Jeffrey Mitchell Goldsmith

IGN Entertainment
8000 Marina Blvd
Brisbane, CA 94005
Caltech Computer Graphics Group
Caltech 350-74
Pasadena, CA 91125
Internet server-side programming
Large-scale data processing and analysis, web analytics
Parallel Processing, Scientific/Technical Applications
Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Differential Geometry

Some Active Skills:
Java, perl, HTML, Servlets, JSP, Oracle

M.S. Computer Science '95
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Exchange Student
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA

M.S., B.S. Computer Science '83, '81
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

2/99-Present: Principal Software Engineer
IGN Entertainment
Brisbane, CA

6/94-2/99: Member of Technical Staff
LinkWinds Development Group
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

10/89-6/94: Research Assistant/Graduate Student
Computer Graphics Group
Caltech, Pasadena, CA

11/83-7/93: Member of Technical Staff
Computer Graphics Laboratory, JPL

5/80-1/83: Research Assistant
Center for Interactive Computer Graphics, RPI

1/77-1/79: Calculator Programmer,
United Vision Services, Middletown, NY

My web site contains material about research, figure skating, bridge, games, and a little bit else. It includes bridge columns which have been printed in newspapers and magazines across the world.

14 North American Bridge Championship casebooks (3/year). Fall 2002-present. (

Better Coding of Two-Suiters, The Bridge World, Vol. 78, No. 9, June 2007, p. 30.

Transfers Over Micheals, The Bridge World, Vol 77, No. 10, July 2006, pp 36-37.

An Example of a Network-Based Approach to Data Access, Visualization, Interactive Analysis, and Distribution, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 81, No. 3, March 2000, pp 555-566 (Elson, Allen, Goldsmith, and Weibel)

Marching Cubes in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates,
journal of graphics tools, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1996.

A Hypercube Ray Tracer,
ACM Conference on Hypercubes and Parallel Programming Procedings, 1988.

Automatic Generation of Object Hierarchies,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May 1987.

Optimized Computer-Generated Motion for Animation,
(Masters Thesis) Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Caltech, Sept. 1994.

Static and Dynamic Database Distribution for Graphics Ray Tracing on the Hypercube,
Technical Report, CCCP, 1986.

A Ray Tracing System for the Hypercube,
Technical Report, Caltech Concurrent Computing Project, 1985.

Reparameterization of Surfaces by Lines of Curvature,
Technical Report, RPI Center for Interactive Computer Graphics, Oct. 1983. (Masters Thesis)

Voyager at the Outer Planets,
SIGGRAPH '89 film show.

Voyager at Neptune movies totaled 10 minutes in length and were broadcast over national television for ten days surrounding the encounter. They were also integral parts of the 51 Voyager Update live TV shows.

Hubble Space Telescope movie was featured at the Paris Air Show.

Self-Portrait is in SIGGRAPH Video Review Vol. 49 and has aired on MTV.

Halley's comet animation appeared as part of Nova and KCET's Helley's comet special.

Omnimax movie was included in The Magic Egg, the first internationally distributed computer graphics Omnimax film.

Stills in various publications including:

Covers and Frontispieces of Solving Problems with Concurrent Processors, vols. I and II, G. Fox, et al.

3-page photo spread in premiere issue of Computers in Science

Superquadrics and Angle-Preserving Transformations,
Al Barr, IEEE CG&A, Jan. 1981 (with Al Barr).

Faster Calculation of Superquadric Shapes,
R. Franklin and Al Barr, IEE CG&A, July 1981 (with Al Barr).

Front Cover of and Prepublication Announcement for IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 1981 (with Al Barr).

New York State Museum made 6'x6' Mural of neighborhood still to go with videotape.

SMPTE Inaugural Scholarship 1990-91, renewed 1991-2
NASA Manned Flight Awareness Honoree
CINE Golden Eagle for International Achievement for Hubble Animation
NASA Software of the Year Award, 1996 (LinkWinds project)
Numerous JPL and NASA group achievement awards (JPL Computer Graphics Lab, LinkWinds, and WebWinds)

Jeff Goldsmith,, Sept 23, 2007