Some were less difficult than I thought, but some were doozies, mostly borderline judgment calls.
Today's Panelists: Barry Rigal, Mike Shuster, Robb Gordon, David Caprera, Lynn Johanneson, Fred Curtis, Dan Molochko, Ed Davis, Chris Willenken, Len Vishnevsky, Marshall Miles
CHO | RHO | You | LHO |
? | |||
Instinctively, I would have bid
RHO | You | LHO | CHO |
Pass | |||
1NT | Pass | Dbl | |
Pass | Pass | ||
Pass | ? |
a) do you bid
On the other hand...yes,
RHO opens
CHO | RHO | You | LHO |
Pass | 1NT | ||
Pass | ? | ||
[After seeing CHO's hand:]
How absurd is
I know my cards are all working
I don't even really have to be as worried as I would be over
a forcing NT that partner was bidding a short minor to
inveigle heart preference. If his hand has not been clarified by
[After seeing the hand: ] Given the availability of
[After seeing the hand: ] I may have played too much Acol in
my youth, but that sure looks like a
There is a theory issue. Several panelists suggested that
The panel oft suggested that with the
LHO | CHO | RHO | You |
Pass* | ? | ||
Pass forced game.
Does anyone have useful agreements over the
Then again, I would never have had this problem in the
first place. I play an opening 4NT is specific ace
Blackwood. So my auction goes 4NT-
AKQxx Qx K109xxx |
xxx xxx Axx J9xx | |
West | North | East | South |
Pass | 1NT | Dbl | |
Pass | 2NT* | Pass | |
Pass | All Pass | ||
2NT was Lebensohl.
Spades were 3-2. Diamonds were 2-2. Making six on a club lead. Assess the blame.
Still East should have bid
West 55%, East 45%.
(I guess) I could understand East’s passing
Chris argues against one of these points well:
"Also, I have a theory about hands like these: when the
opponents are not contesting the auction vigorously,
these light games are more likely to make than
otherwise. Over
Therefore spades are probably not 4-1. So
No one has convinced me that
If West can't stomach playing clubs because his spades
are so good, he should have opened
LHO | CHO | RHO | You |
Pass | Pass | Pass | |
Pass | Dbl | Pass | ? |
Pass looks pretty normal, but (a) I hate passing takeout doubles without trump stacks, (b) I hate passing takeout doubles when I think they are making, and (c) if they are cold for an overtrick when partner has a maximum, perhaps passing isn't right?
I still think
K1063 A932 963 QJ | ||
A52 KQ5 KQJ74 96 |
Q7 J864 A82 8643 | |
J984 107 105 AK1072 |
South | West | North | East | |
Pass | 1NT | | Pass | |
| Dbl | | Dbl | |
Dbl | All Pass | |||
After trump ace, trump, declarer made ten tricks. Assess the blame.
Partnerships should strive to avoid defending 8-card fits at the 2-level if there is a decent alternative.
West 100%. I don't see what East could have possibly done differently.
West’s double of
There's another issue...let's say that West passes
and East bids
Sorry, double shows four spades.
Do you open?
Even playing a strong NT, 5 card major system (yuk!) I open: My hand is a barely acceptable minimum, I am opening in my long suit and am happy to raise hearts, while otherwise my descriptive NT rebid will limit my hand both by distribution and shape...pity that it is not for the lead but then it is not my system...
You can put me in the "don't care" camp. If I can open it 1NT, great, whatever the range. If I can't, I don't care if we open or not. There are advantages to opening and advantages to passing. Who knows which outweighs the other?
For what it's worth, K&R calls this 9.90. I think that's low. It looks to me like a bad 11 or a good 10. If I opened a 10-12 and partner invited in NT, I'd go. And expect to go down a little less than half the time despite 26 HCP.
On the other hand, I've learned that at matchpoints,
it's just wrong to downgrade any 15-counts that the
field is opening 1NT. At IMPs, there's a reasonable
chance that your judgment will allow you to stay out
of a bad game or slam by doing so. At matchpoints,
you much more often just end up changing the auction.
That might get NT played from a different
side or change the opening lead. Or let them get a
lead-directing overcall in or the like. These things
happen often enough that not opening 1NT is essentially
rolling the dice, setting your side's matchpoint score
pretty much entirely on your one decision. Personally,
I'd rather have my score determined by my play of the
hand and the opponents' defense or our partnership
bidding when I hold a balanced 15, so it just doesn't
pay to open one of a minor on those hands. Why take
50% when we rate to do better than that? Perhaps,
therefore, this is a corrollaryif the field is
going to open