# acbl.pl # This program reads ACBLSCore event files. # Unfortunately, I don't know what their format # really is; I have a bunch of examples from # which to work, but no sure info. It seems # to work quite well. I have almost 100 examples # so far. # Event # size # MPs rank pair score # MPs rank pair score # ... # blank line # Event # size # etc. # It is complicated by the possibility # that there may be lines of the form # pair # which are extensions of the previous # line, although the score is on the # first line. As far as I know, there # are no exceptions. # Current Command line flags: # # none produce 59 column text output # -l nn change the width of the columns # -h produce HTML output with
# -H               produce HTML output with  blocks
# -t words         set title for HTML
# -o outputfile    set redirection of output

# Version 0.1
#     read score file and produce
#     some sort of output.
# Version 0.2
#     parse lines carefully so that
#     we can deal with long continuation
#     lines, lack of masterpoint numbers,
#     and scores at the end of continuations
# Version 0.3
#     folds in html version with -h flag
#	-h means "produce html output" 
#	   otherwise, don't.
#       -H means "produce html output,
#          but use 
instead of
#       mnemonic: lower h = simple html; bigger H = harder html
#       -t set title
#       -l linewidth
# Version 0.4
#     - ignores blank lines between events and sizes
#     - somewhat fixed bug in HTML wrto continuation lines
#     - fixed bug that loses last char on continuations
#     - fixed bug that hangs if eof is continuation line
#     - checked to ensure that the event size was right
#       and we weren't ripping off some other record.
# Version 0.5
#     Gets new ACBLScore input---no changes except:
#	- event titles now might include "Bracket"
#	  in mixed case.
#     Move ID stuff into "myid.pl".
# Version 0.6
#     Event titles can start with 49ER, 199ER, 299ER
#     or just have "PAIRS" or "KNOCKOUT"
# Version 0.7
#     PC date command support.  PCs' date output looks like
#   	Current date is Fri 03-22-1996
#     whereas UNIX's is
# 	Fri Mar 22 10:16:38 PST 1996
#     The choice is invoked by changing the global "unix" to zero.
#     Added a second space between rank and names for Chyah.
#     Allowing -o outputfile for systems in which redirection 
#     is broken.

# constants
$defaultheader = "Results from Nationals";
$linelength = 59;
$unix = 1;
@month = ("none","January","February","March","April",

# who I am, web info
require "myid.pl";

# process arguments
require "getopts.pl";

$html = $opt_h + $opt_H;
$table = $opt_H;
if ($opt_l) { $linelength = $opt_l; }

if ($html) { $sep = "
";} else { $sep = "-"x$linelength;} # this is probably bad if ($opt_o ne "") { open(STDOUT,">$opt_o"); } $top = 1; # we've only just begun $inputbuffered = 0; $eof = 0; # <> returns false only once if ($html) { # make title if ($opt_t) { $_ = $opt_t; } else { $_ = <>; s/^\s*//; if ($_ eq "") {$_ = $defaultheader;} } &htmlheader; } while() { # get newline if ($inputbuffered) { $_ = $inputbuffer; $inputbuffered = 0; } elsif ($eof) { last; } else { $_ = <>; if (($_ eq eof) || ($_ eq undef)) {last;} } chop; # no newline for you s/^\s*//; # remove leading white space s/Bracket/BRACKET/; # upcase word in event name if (/^$/) # is this a blank line? { # do nothing } # Events are in all caps elsif ((/^[A-Z]/ && !/[a-z]/) || (/^1ST/) || (/^2ND/) || (/^49ER/) || (/^199ER/) || (/^299ER/) || (/KNOCKOUT/ && !/[a-z]/) || (/PAIRS/ && !/[a-z]/)) { # do separator &eventseparator; # print event &printeventname; # next line is size; $_ = ""; while ($_ eq "") {$_ = <>; if ($_ eq eof) {$eof = 1; last;}} if (!/Players/ && !/Pairs/ && !/Teams/) { # don't know what this is, but put it back $inputbuffer = $_." "; $inputbuffered = 1; } else { &printeventsize; } if ($table) {print "
\n";} elsif ($html) {print "
    # first entry for pair/team
    elsif (/^[0-9]/)
	# break into fields
	($mps,$rank,@names) = @_;
	$score = pop(@names);
	# Is there a masterpoint field?
	if ($rank =~ /[a-zA-Z\-]/)
	    $ismps = 0; 
	    @names = ($rank,@names);
	    $rank = $mps;  
	    { $ismps = 1; }
	# Is there a score here?
	# (undefined record is ok...means "no")
	if ($score =~ /[a-zA-Z\-;]/)
	    $isscore = 0;
	    { $isscore = 1; }
 	# if no score, read until we find one
	# or a new rank record appears
	while (!$isscore)
	    $_ = <>;
	    if (($_ eq eof) || ($_ eq undef))
		{$eof = 1; $score = ""; $isscore = 1; last;}
	    chop; split;
	    if ($_[0] =~ /[a-zA-Z\-]/)
	        $score = pop(@_);
	        if (($score =~ /[a-zA-Z;]/) || ($score eq "-"))
		    $isscore = 1;
		# new rank, but no score
		$inputbuffer = $_." ";
		$inputbuffered = 1;
		$score = "";
		$isscore = 1;

	# Print record
	# masterpoints
	if ($table)  {print "
\n";} # one space filler print " "; # rank if ($table) {print "\n";} # two space filler print " "; # replace marrieds with "&" &couplize; # how much room do we have on the line? $_ = $score; $slen = tr///c; # mps takes up 6 # one for filler # rank takes up 5 # two for filler # one between names and score $space = $linelength - 15 - $slen; # print names if ($table) {print "\n";} # print score if ($table) {print "\n";} } # continuation lines else { if ($table) {print "\n";} print "\n"; } } if ($html) {&htmltrailer;} #done ############################################## sub eventseparator { if ($top) { $top = 0; } else { if ($table) {print "
\n";} if ($ismps) {&printmps;} else {print " "x6;} if ($table) {print "\n";} &printrank; if ($table) {print "\n";} &printnames; print " "; if ($table) {print "\n";} &printscore; print "\n"; if ($table) {print "
\n";} print " "x14; split; @names = @_; &printnames; if ($table) {print "
\n";} elsif ($html) {print "
\n";} print $sep; print "\n"; } } sub printeventname { if ($html) { print "$_
\n"; } else { print; print "\n"; } } sub printeventsize { if ($html) { print "$_
\n"; } else { print; print "\n"; } } sub printmps { printf "%6s",$mps; } sub printrank { printf "%5s",$rank; } sub printnames { $_ = join(" ",@names); # how long is this? $len = tr///c; if ($len <= $space) { print; print " "x($space-$len); } else { $used = 0; $first = 1; $buffer = ""; while ($_ = shift(@names)) { $tlen = tr///c; if ($used + $tlen + 1 > $space) { # out of room # don't break at the word just after a comma @temp = split(" ",$buffer); if ($temp[$#temp-1] =~ /,$/) { @names = (pop(@temp),$_,@names); $buffer = join(" ",@temp); $tlen = 0; $_ = ""; $first = 1; } # check for orphans elsif ($names[0] eq "") { if ($temp[$#temp-2] =~ /,$/) { @names = (pop(@temp)); } @names = (pop(@temp),@names,$_); $buffer = join(" ",@temp); $_ = ""; $tlen = 0; $first = 1; } else {$first = 0;} print "$buffer\n"; if ($table) {print "
";} print " "x14; $buffer = $_; $used = $tlen; } elsif (/;$/ && $names[0] ne "") { # split at semicolons if (!$first) {$buffer .= " ";} $buffer = $buffer.$_; print "$buffer\n"; if ($table) {print "
";} $buffer = ""; print " "x14; $used = 0; $first = 1; } else { # just print if (!$first) {$buffer .= " ";} $buffer = $buffer.$_; $used += $tlen + !$first; $first = 0; } } # add filler print "$buffer"; print " "x($space-$used); } } sub couplize { if (($names[2] eq "-") && ($names[1]."," eq $names[4])) { @names = ($names[0],"&",@names[3..$#names]); } } sub printscore { print $score; } sub htmlheader { print "\n"; print "\n"; print ""; print; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "


\n"; print "
\n"; } sub htmltrailer { if ($table) {print "\n";} else {print "\n";} print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print ''; print $webname; print ",\n"; print ''; print $email; print "\n"; &printdate; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } # PC date # Fri 03-22-1996 # UNIX date # Fri Mar 22 10:16:38 PST 1996 sub oldprintdate { $_ = `date`; if ($unix) { split; print ", $_[1]. $_[2], $_[5]\n"; } else { split(/[\s-]+/,$_); if ($month[$_[4]] ne "none") { print ", ",$month[$_[4]]," $_[5], $_[6]\n"; } } } sub printdate { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); print ", ",$month[$mon+1]," $mday, 19$year\n"; }