Recapping the K&R algorithm from the October '82 Bridge World pp. 21-23. Protected high cards: A = 3, K = 2, Q = 1 Shortness: void = 3, singleton = 2, doubleton = 1 Discount first doubleton 4333 = -.5 Suit quality: 4321 count divided by 10 * number of cards in suit Adjustments: Seven card suits: 1 for missing Q or J Eight card suits: up to 2 for missing Q or J Nine or longer: up to 3 for missing Q or J Six card suits or shorter: Ten with two honors: 1 Ten with the Jack: 1 Other tens: .5 (modifier about six-card suits misplaced?) Nine with the ten: .5 or Nine with two honors:.5 or Nine with the eight: .5 short honors: stiff king = .5 doubleton queen if with A or K = .5 stiff Q or Qx = 0 lower honors: Queen if without ace or king and suit is 3 or longer = -.25 J with exactly two higher honors = .5 J with exactly one higher honor = .25 doubleton queen = .25 Ten under two higher or with 9 and one higher = .25 Bottom line: 1H, 1S, 1NT opening optional at 12.0 mandatory 12.5 1C, 1D opening optional at 13.0 mandatory 13.5 2C with major 22.0 2C with minor 24.0 Implementation at