Isn't Everyday

I'm playing in a small regional flight A Swiss. RHO is a client I don't recognize; LHO is a well-known pro.

Both vulnerable, partner deals me  S:A864 H:D:KJ8654 C:K53 and opens a weak two hearts. RHO overcalls 2NT, and all pass. This partner's weak two bids are very variable. Sometimes he has a good hand and a good suit, and sometimes he has nothing. For some reason, I judge not to lead his suit, but lead fourth from my longest and strongest instead. Dummy apologizes for a scanty dummy, and I see

S: K932
H: J65
D: 10973
C: 64
S: A864
D: KJ8654
C: K53
All Pass
Declarer puts up the D:10, partner covers with the queen (yay!), and declarer wins her ace. After some thought, she cashes the C:A and continues with the C:Q. Partner high- lows, suggesting an odd number. I could exit with the D:8 to tell my partner about my entry, but I'll have time to make that signal if he gets in with a heart, so instead, I try being a little tricky and nonchalantly continue with the D:4. Indeed, declarer takes her eye off the ball and calls for a small diamond. Partner shows out, and declarer says, "oh, sh...," as she follows with the D:2.

Declarer ended up down three. At the other table, my teammate judged to attack hearts before clubs, so he had plenty of tricks before the diamonds ran. The defense slopped a trick, so he made three for +150.

It isn't everyday you see the second round of a suit won by the four.

Copyright © 2014 Jeff Goldsmith