
Playing a practice match against expert opponents on BBO, I'm in fourth seat and pick up  S:A63 H: AJ42 D: A10 C: AQ82. It has some promise, but white on red, partner opens 3C:. So much for promise. I bid 3NT, and all pass, of course.

I get the jack-denies H:9 lead, and a little surprisingly (no spade lead), I see

H: K75
D: J976
C: K109765
S: A63
H: AJ42
D: A10
C: AQ82
I have 11 tricks. Looks like the best chance for twelve is a red-suit squeeze, or maybe RHO's holding D:KQ or honor-doubleton. I cash the C:A and cross to the C:K. I'm about to lead toward the diamond holding when I realize that it can't hurt to advance the jack, and if RHO covers...I do, he does, and I claim 12 tricks.
H: K75
D: J976
C: K109765
S: 10852
H: Q1096
D: K543
C: 4
S: KQJ974
H: 83
D: Q82
C: J3
S: A63
H: AJ42
D: A10
C: AQ82
I guess I should have won and continued with the D:10. If LHO ducked...
Copyright © 2019 Jeff Goldsmith