A First for Me

I am playing in the finals of the North American Pairs. This event used to be called the Grand National Pairs, which sounds so...grand. Why was it changed to the sleepy-sounding "NAP?" With a bunch of kibitzers around, I pick up a poor hand in fourth chair,  S:A10 H:J109872 D:652 C:98. Partner opens 1C: and RHO overcalls 1H:. This is passed back to partner, who cue bids 2H:. RHO passes, so I have to do something. My instinct screams to pass, but I have an ace and a stopper, so I bid the normal 2NT. Partner raises to game and LHO leads the D:7. I see
S: KJ3
H: 4
D: K10
C: AKQ7632
S: A10
H: J109872
D: 652
C: 98
Pass3NTAll Pass
It looks as if we have enough tricks if they cannot take five first. The D:A is probably offside, and I can possibly block the suit by ducking the opening lead if diamonds are 6-2, but that will still give them two diamonds and three hearts. I guess I have to hope the D:A is onside, so I rise with the D:K. Wrong. It was D:AJ doubleton on my right, so ducking would have blocked the suit. LHO runs six diamond tricks. I pitch a spade and three clubs from dummy and two hearts and a club from hand. LHO continues with the H:K, so ducking Trick 1 wouldn't've helped. It looks as if I am down four, but RHO ducks the H:K, and LHO shifts to a spade. RHO hasn't pitched a club, but unless clubs are 4-0, I have the rest. Just in case they are, however, I hop with the S:K. RHO looks pained and discards the H:Q. I play another spade to my hand, and RHO pitches the H:A. I claim three heart tricks to go with my two spades and one club to end up down three.

The whole hand turned out to be

S: KJ3
H: 4
D: K10
C: AKQ7632
S: Q76542
H: K
D: Q98743
S: 98
H: AQ653
C: J1054
S: A10
H: J109872
D: 652
C: 98
RHO was squeezed on the run of the spades. I think this is a first for me. Never before have I successfully run a squeeze to avoid a fourth undertrick. I note to partner that his hand only took two tricks and mine took four, so I had my bid!

It looks like they only have five tricks against 2H:, so my instinct was right in a way. West, however, was 6-6, so I suspect 2H: would not have ended the auction. Maybe some pairs will be -170 against a spade part score, so my -150 will gain some matchpoints vs. -200. Why didn't West bid anything?

Copyright © 2015 Jeff Goldsmith