Oh, Hell, Culver City Style Game: 13 hands. Deal: 4/player on the first hand, increasing by one until the last four hands, which are played with 13 cards. High bidder names trump. Notrump is allowed. Scoring: Make Score 0 5 1 6 2 8 3 11 4 15 more (n-1)*5 Undertricks or Overtricks are -5/trick, unless the high bidder has outbid a 5-(or more)-bidder, in which case the 2nd and subsequent *undertricks* are -15 each. Even bids are disallowed. --------------------------------- Matt Ginsberg plays this version (I quote verbatim): First deal has 52/n cards, then down to 1, then 1 again, then up to 52/n (n players). Face a card to determine trumps (if whole deck in play, face a card before or from other deck). Q/J = no trumps, otherwise, trumps = suit of faced card. Person to left of dealer bids first and leads. Bid number of tricks you expect to take. Final bidder can't make it come out "right". Score: If correct, get 10 + bid * bid. If wrong, lose the cube of your error. With 5 cards or fewer, whoever is winning has to bid last. In event of a tie for first, final bidder is whoever bid last least recently.