Some Minor Tinkers to DinoHunt
DinoHunt is a fun and quick beer and pretzels game
that seems to hold up to power-gamers' abuse. A
few tinkers seemed to balance the game a little better.
- Sure Shot Sam:
- Option 1:
- Add Errata: discard this card. Draw a replacement.
- Option 2:
- Add Errata: Sam won't leave the Triassic.
- Midnight Snack: Add Errata: the carnivore in
question will not eat itself.
- End Game: When the game ends, first dino points
are counted. Then Midnight Snack cards are played.
Then bonus points cards are played.
- Sylvia's Rule: Sylvia hates it when I use Trunks
to grab a Midnight Snack. So we don't.
Jeff Goldsmith,,
Sept. 19, 1997